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Ce lexique est composé de mots parfois utilisés seulement en Australie et pouvant avoir une signification différente en Anglais de Grande-Bretagne. Ce sont des mots que je ne connaissait pas et que j’ai appris.

NSW = New South Wales = Nouvelle Galle du Sud
to mow = Tondre
Aussi = Australien
G'Day = Bonjour
Mates = Amis, potes
Tan = Bronzage
Chook = Poulet
Smoko = Pause
Winery = Domaine viticole
Yonks = il y'a des siècles   
Bagga = Mot de cambrone
Barbie = BBQ = Barbecue
Footy = Rugby a 13
Esky = Glacière pour la bière
Tinny = Canette de bière
Yummy = Délicieux

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Merci Thomas
15 février 2008 5 15 /02 /février /2008 02:16

 It's done, on the 13th of february, Kevin Rudd Prime Minister of Australia said sorry for the “Stolen Generation”. You need to know that between 1918 and 1970, the Australian Government kidnapped million of aboriginales child (aged between 3 month and 16 years old) and put them in institution, foster home etc.... In those place, child was generally sexualy abused and slave.
John Howard refused during 11 years to said sorry, his argument was that is government doesn't have to said sorry for a mistake other governements did.
The opinion of the australian are very differents, some thinks it's good thing and it'll permit to aboriginales to be more includes in the society other thinks that the only things gonna to happened is the waste of the money who will be give in compensation.
My point of view is that is a good things, aboriginales have been considarated inferior too long, said sorry gonna put natives and australian in a sort of equality. I'm glad I was in Australia for this historical moment.

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Merci pour la "petite" page d histoire, on en apprend tous les jours ... C est fou !<br /> Kiss<br /> Camille
Yes it's a good things.<br /> L'abolition de l'esclavage en quelque sorte !?<br /> Baisers